Nonalcoholic drinks
Tea Tea according to your choice Café Jordán, Bořetice www.cafejordan.cz Lemonade and musts homemade lemonade Sonnentor, Čejkovice www.sonnentor.com grandma elderberry lemonade with fruits wine cider
Total capacity 32 presons.
Wheelchair access including toilets for the disabled.
The café is air-conditioned and covered with high-quality wifi with high speed internet connection.
Outdoor terrace in the yard.
Café opening hours
(spring season since 24/MAR/2024)
Café opening hours
in September
closed monday to wednesday
Thursday 2–8 pm
Friday 2–10 pm
Saturday 2–10 pm
Sunday 2–7 pm
from October to December
closed Monday to Thursday
Friday 2–10 pm
Saturday 2–10 pm
Sunday 2–6 pm
Tea Tea according to your choice Café Jordán, Bořetice www.cafejordan.cz Lemonade and musts homemade lemonade Sonnentor, Čejkovice www.sonnentor.com grandma elderberry lemonade with fruits wine cider
Café Jordán, Bořetice www.cafejordan.cz coffee maker kávovar Futurmat F3 GR, mlýnek Macap M5D. Espresso Espresso doppio Espresso lungo Espresso macchiato Cappuccino Caffè latte Ice coffee
Beer family brewery Bernard, Humpolec www.bernard.cz draft beer Bernard 11° light India Pale Ale Bernard free Bernard plum free Wine white, rose, red wines and
Desserts desserts Zákuskárna, Blansko www.zakuskarnablansko.czdesserts Jitka Herůfková www.choco-lanyze.czdesserts Marcela Mátlová www.facebook.com/Dorty OdeMě Delicacies selection of cheeses and wine jellycheese factory Taurus www.taurusdruzstvo.czMoit Winery www.vinarstvi-moit.cz/vinne-zeleprosciutto
You can rent our café to organize your private celebrations, such as weddings, birthday or graduation parties, company parties, etc. (including service). Requirements will be addressed individually.
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